Saturday 24 December 2011

NOBUMASA: Once upon a time in a wall...

Nobumasa Takahashi decided to make an interactive graffiti exhibition. He also decided to give life to a world built with visitor's dreamings.

...and after that, he decided it was time to go back to white.

As most dreams usually do.

Monday 12 December 2011


The scapegoat - Hunt

     Many days I've felt as the scapegoat. Luckily, I've read "BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL".  Nietzsche is not my mind's fauvorite... but this book makes you think.                                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Escher: where am I going?

Usually we don't know if we've taken the way up or down, maybe both paths will meet unavodidably in some point. How infite is infinity?

Monday 7 November 2011

Funeral in my brain

I FELT a funeral in my brain,
  And mourners, to and fro,
Kept treading, treading, till it seemed
  That sense was breaking through.
And when they all were seated,
  A service like a drum
Kept beating, beating, till I thought
  My mind was going numb.
And then I heard them lift a box,
  And creak across my soul
With those same boots of lead, again.
  Then space began to toll
As all the heavens were a bell,
  And Being but an ear,
And I and silence some strange race,
  Wrecked, solitary, here.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Lorca + Jane Addiction


                                 If I am dying,

                                 leave the balcony open.


                                 The child is eating an orange.

                                  (From my balcony, I see him.)


                                 The reaper is reaping the barley.

                                 (From my balcony, I hear him.)


                                 If I am dying,

                                 leave the balcony open.

Friday 15 July 2011


There was a girl, who had grown, in a dark mighty land, with a fencing mask in her face. Her mind didn't reach the moment in which she started to wear it. It simply happened. The world was divided in little squares to her: pieces of colours creating a picture of the world she couldn´t reach through her eyes.

One day, she decided to walk to other lands,  trying to find a reason for wearing that mask. She climbed mountains to reach little villages, she swam to islands in the middle of the Mysterious Ocean, and she went to the heart of the earth to see if some old blacksmith knew the reason for her mask. But no one could give her an explanation. "This is the first one I see" people always said.

After a long time, she reached the land of mirrors, where nobody lived due to the intense light reflections. But she felt so full of life there... Everything she could see was luminous spots giving her warm embraces. And her heart was so full of joy....

(to be continued)

Monday 11 July 2011

People I admire III: Richard Dawkins PLEASE WATCH IT


(This is only 1/5. Links to the other four parts are in youtube. English audio, Spanish subtitles) 


Tuesday 5 July 2011

Dior after Galliano.

This is a stupid mixture of geometric forms with nonsense colours, trying to be inspired by the talent of Galliano, who made errors, as every human being does. Being too selfish, beliving your a semi-God are great errors. But you can't find a genius whenever you want...

Plushenko + Caruso

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Dreams come true : Pneuborn-7II and Pneuborn-13

Just have a look at these "babies" :

Seven month old infant

13 month old infant    

Their parents are in Osaka :

You don't need to bear a baby for nine months any more: you can have one like this, ... so cute!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Blake inspired by Milton, Jerusalem and Satan

And did those feet in ancient time.
Walk upon England's mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;

Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land
William Blake's preface to  Milton's "Paradise Lost"

Satan, Sin and Death. William Blake illustration for Milton's "Paradise Lost".

Saturday 18 June 2011

WHO was Lucrezia Borgia?

Victor Hugo's?
Mario Puzo's?
Geneviève Chastenet's?
Only SHE knew. History is silent.
Why do we tend to belive the worst things we are told about people?

Friday 17 June 2011

Picture+Poem: JOHN BAUER - PABLO NERUDA- Queen

I have named you queen.
There are taller ones than you, taller.
There are purer ones than you, purer.
There are lovelier than you, lovelier.

But you are the queen.

When you go through the streets
no one recognizes you.
No one sees your crystal crown, no one looks
at the carpet of red gold
that you tread as you pass,
the nonexistent carpet.

And when you appear
all the rivers sound
in my body, bells
shake the sky,
and a hymn fills the world.

Only you and I,
only you and I, my love,
listen to it.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Saturday 7 May 2011

Goldfishes and Klimt

Have you heard about Goldfish memory? They have a memory-span of at least three months and can distinguish shpaes, colours and sounds.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

People I admire II: Georgia O'Keeffe


Portrait of the artist by Leonard Baskinin

Georgia O'Keeffe began to be recognised in New York art community in the first decades of 20th century. Women could have art training in America, but  there wasn't still an important artistic figure emboided by a woman. She gained to be one ot the most important modern artists in America and opened the door for women painters in a  world of men, becoming one of the most important cultural icons of her country, before dying in 1986.

Monday 2 May 2011

Obama & Osama

From my point of view, EDUCATION is the only extraordinary powerful weapon man has to fight against all that makes a slave of him. KNOWLEDGE is the only freedom

Monday 25 April 2011


Non-stop Nyan Cat:

A Doll's House- Henrik Ibsen

Helmer. It's exasperating! Can you forsake your holiest duties in this way?

Nora. What do you call my holiest duties? 
Helmer. Do you ask me that? Your duties to your husband and children.
Nora. I have other duties equally sacred.

Helmer. Impossible! What duties do you mean?
Nora. My duties toward myself.

Helmer. Before all else you are a wife and a mother.
Nora. That I no longer believe. I think that before all else I am a human being, just as much as you are--or, at least, I will try to become one. I know that most people agree with you, Torvald, and that they say so in books. But henceforth I can't be satisfied with what most people say, and what is in books. I must think things out for myself and try to get clear about them. . . . I had been living here these eight years with a strange man, and had borne him three children--Oh! I can't bear to think of it--I could tear myself to pieces!. . . . I can't spend the night in a strange man's house.

Alla Nazimova in the 1922 movie version of "A doll's house"

Tuesday 19 April 2011

SENNA (2010). Please WATCH IT!

I didn't know much about Senna, before watching this documentary. Just obvious things: great rider who died young in a F1 accident. Topics, nothing more.
When I started to watch "Senna", I was surprised by the eyes of a rider who seemed nearly shy in the interviews, but fiercely strong and  daring on the truck. His face was a canvas where his soul sketched the mixed feelings that were born as he and life slowly sprang up.
You see Senna as a true consistent human being, who debated between what he loved - racing, his country- and what was surrounding him and , sadly,  growing up -Brasil's poverty, politics infesting F1, too much engineering against pilot's talent..
This is a must-seen documentary. A must-seen film indeed. Traces of archive footage that let you be a little closer of a great man who loved and lived for a passion, who had errors and fought against them, and who taught us a great lesson of attitude and coherence.
Requiescat In Pace

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Amy Adams & Machism

Have you noticed some people are angry with the election of Amy Adams as Lois Lane for next Superman?
So... "she's too old", they say...Too old for what?.
She was the second reason to see "The fighter", after Christian Bale. The film would have been difficult to bear without falling slept without them (specially Bale, of course).

Why are great actresses in Hollywood condemned to boring stupid jobs of old mothers in shit-commedies  (if they are lucky) just because "silicone+botox plastic dolls" need to show their operated bodies and deformed faces in new crap-films and that's what Hollywood continues invading our cinemas with?
THAT makes me angry.

Are we going back to THIS?:

Thursday 7 April 2011

What did they see? Durero, Warhol,Francis Bacon, Frida Kahlo, Van Gogh, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Picasso and Schiele

What do you see when you look at yourself? 
What you want to see or what you see?

Francis Bacon
Frida Kahlo
Van Gogh
